Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Feijoa Jam - Easy Peasy!

After collecting roughly 8 kilos of Fiejoas in 2 days from our monster tree it was time to make jam.  Looking over a few recipes and trying to remember what I made last year, my sister-in-law and I just made it up as we went.  The result was golden, delicious jam - what else could come from fiejoas!  Next time I plan on adding ginger - a favourite combination of mine.

Fiejoas anyone?

Feijoa Jam
Makes 4 medium jars

1kg Feijoas, roughly peeled, ends removed and quartered
3/4C Water
2C White Sugar
1t Citric Acid (or juice of one lemon)

Gently simmer feijoas with water, mashing every now and then, till pulpy.  Stir in sugar and citric acid and boil for 5-10 minutes until at setting point (put a drop on a frozen saucer, sit for a minute and if the surface wrinkles when touched it's done).

Pack into sterilized jars.  Easy!

To sterilize jars put clean jars into at 120C oven for 20 minutes and boil the lids in water for 15.  My lids are getting a bit on the old and warped side so I used cellophane tops - you can get these from the supermarket for about $2.

If you double the recipe, don't quite double the water, start with another half measure and add more if you need to.

Golden and Delicious


  1. Yummy I always thought I should do this!! I haven't even eaten one this year!! Must find a tree. Go you I bet it is so yummy!! Mx

    1. There are early, mid and late season varieties so you can plant one of each and have them for ages (good if you like them as much as me). At our new house our tree is about 6m tall and the canopy about 8m across - HUGE!

  2. Thank you so much for this recipe its lovely the kids keep getting there fingers into it. how long will it keep for thinking of making quiet a bit of this?


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