Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sesame Oat Crackers

I used to love Sesameal crackers, but since I've cut loads of additives, processed and very salty foods out of my diet I don't like them so much anymore.  They just taste too salty to me now, so I've been looking for a good homemade cracker recipe.

I tried a variation of this recipe a couple of months ago but I don't think I rolled the dough thin enough.  This time I added sesame seeds and rolled the dough as thin as I could and got a really good result.  My kids devoured a handful each, still warm from the oven, with fruit for lunch.

You can leave out the sesame seeds and add in a couple of tablespoons of grated Parmesan, or cracked pepper, maybe even garlic and herbs.  They are really good on their own or could be served with hummus, cheeses or salsa.

Sesame Oat Cracker Recipe

1C (120g) Rolled Oats
1C (125g) Wholemeal Flour
1t Salt
½t Baking Powder
¼C Sesame Seeds
120ml Water
5T Olive Oil

Preheat oven to 200ÂșC fan-bake.
In a food processor pulse oats until they resemble coarse flour.  Add in the remaining ingredients and whiz until the mixture forms a ball.  Tip out onto floured surface and knead a few times then divide into four.  Keeping your work surface and rolling pin well floured roll out a piece as thin as you can, rotating the dough every 2 or 3 rolls to ensure it doesn't stick to the bench.  You'll know when it's getting nice and thin because you'll hear the sesame seeds start to crack.  Transfer the sheet of dough to an oven tray and score into cracker shapes with a sharp knife.  Bake for 5 to 10 minutes until they have just turned golden brown.  You'll need to keep a close eye on them because they can burn quickly.  Allow to cool and then break along scored lines.


  1. They look delicious!! Thanks for the recipe I think I'll try them this weekend x

    1. That was not James Wilkinson it was Caroline Wilkinson :)

    2. He He =)
      My boys and I just got back in from the garden and they're crunching through more of them. I need to make double or triple batches I think!

  2. lol @ Caroline xx

    hmm these look yummy :) x Love your blog x


    1. Thanks Lee-Sia,
      Glad you're enjoying it =)


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