Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Make ahead pudding : Apple Pie

With friends and family visiting I needed something easy to make ahead for dessert.
This apple pie went down a treat, the crust is more 'crackery', not sweet, letting the apple and spices shine.

Apple Pie Recipe
Serves 8

250g Plain Flour - plus a little extra for dusting
1t Salt
90g Butter, Cubed and Cold
90-100ml of Cold Water
 Egg, for brushing

4-8 Apples, peeled and diced (depends on size of your pie dish, mine is shallow so I use 5)
50g Brown Sugar
50g White Sugar
1 t Cinnamon
Pinch Salt
Pinch Nutmeg (Fresh Grated is best)
3 T Plain Flour

For the crust combine flour, salt and butter by pulsing in a food processor till it resembles crumbs.  Set processor to slow speed and slowly pour in water till dough comes together in loose ball.  Tip onto floured surface and push into a ball, gently kneading together 4 - 5 times.  Wrap in film and refridgerate for at least 1 hour.

When chilled and rested, turn oven to 200C and roll out dough on floured board to fit your pie dish (mine is 25cm across, 4cm deep).  Gently transfer dough to dish and trim to fit.  Put pie dish in the fridge while you make filling.

For filling combine all ingredients, stir to coat apples and allow to rest for 10 minutes (while you roll our remaining pastry for decoration on the top of the pie).  Fill pie case with apple filling and press down gently.  Lay over decorative pastry left overs and brush pastry with beaten egg.

Bake at 200C for minutes at reduce to 180C and bake for a further 40 minutes.  Allow to cool for atleast 20 minutes before serving.

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