It's been an awesome week.
We started our week with new arrivals, 8 little chicks. They are all growing super fast and are sporty some small wing feathers. Then we did our monthly shop so our larder is full to the brim - I stocked up on all the basics, flour, butter, oil, tinned tomatoes, wheat bix, milk powder and soap - and come in well under budget, bonus. While I was in town I also popped into the green grocer for our weekly shop of fruit and vege - loving that asparagus and strawberries are in season - yum!
Sleepy Sunny Chiks |
On Thursday night I went out with my sister-in-law for a ladies night and AGM for our playgroup - and I was voted in as Treasurer for the executive committee. Exciting times, it's great that I can get involved with something to benifit my kids - and others.
We spent Saturday at the local school Gala - they haven't had one for 6 to 7 years, I hope we don't have to wait that long for the next one, it was awesome. My baby bears and I wondered around buying plants, sweet treats and watched the firemen making fireballs with hot oil (don't ever put water on a oil/fat fire - BOOM!). Mr 3 got his face painted as batman and had loads of fun running around in a semi-inflated hot-air balloon. He is super chuffed with his fire engine poster on his bedroom wall, a real fireman gave it to him. Then he spent the evening telling Pappa Bear all about the firemen rescuing someone from a crashed car with the jaws of life - I had to spend quite some time reminding him that it was just a show - he was worried the boy that got to be rescued was sick. Cute little man.

We finished the weekend with Nana and Poppa making a surprise visit from town. Our baby bears spent the afternoon going up and down our drive with Nana, Poppa and their cousins while mummy and daddy worked. My husband illustrates for a kids bi-monthly magazine, I help out by colouring in his cartoons using photoshop - we make a good team. Nana and Poppa stayed for a BBQ hamburger dinner with home made burger buns and lettuce from the garden.
This week was started clearing out our basement - I had chicken feed everywhere along with hay and a collection of cardboard boxes. Now my basement is clean and orgaisied - finally! It's a job I've put off for ages.
One more thing before I go, I want to show you an egg from my 'Freaky' Frida. She produces 2 yolks a day. She is a New Zealand Shaver so has been bread to produce a lot of eggs, but this is crazy. If she doesn't lay a double yolker in the morning she will randomly plop about a second 'softy' during the day. A softy is our name for a an egg for a very thin, rubbery soft shell.
The pale egg is from our Langshan hen, it is about a size 6, it is quite skinny and long. The dark brown is from our other shaver, Dixie, about a size 7, short and fat. The last egg is Frida's, and it is huge!! Long and very round and fat. It has to be a double yolker. The photo doesn't really do it justice - the Frida egg is at least twice as big as the pale Langshan egg, I can't close my fingers around it.
Freaky Frida |