Sunday, November 10, 2013

Bacon and Eggs for Lunch

On Saturday my husband was putting up fencing for another chicken run.  We're hoping to have a few little fluffy chicks this week, so are making a new area for them.  The initial plan is to keep the laying girls in their run for the morning while they lay and let the meat birds have the yard, then opposite for the afternoon.  We plan on doing this because of their different diet requirements.  Young and meat birds need more protein and layers more calcium.

I had a bacon and egg pie in mind for our lunch after spending the morning in the garden but time got away on us, with only 40 minutes till noon I opted for an easy quiche instead.  After a rummage in the garden I found spring onion and spinach.  With the eggs, feta and bacon already in the house I chopped everything up, covered with the eggy mix and put it in the oven.  Just as Mr 3 came in to ask for 'dinner' (his name for every meal), it was ready.  We chomped it down with salad and had left overs for dinner, it was super tasty.

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