Thursday, January 29, 2015

Shoo Fly

With a list of chores complete and the kids happily playing I sat down with the local paper, only to be covered in what felt like a swarm of flies.  It was more like 2 or 3 but the constant bothering was unbearable.

With a quick Google and browse through Pinterest for homemade fly repellent I found long list of essential oils that do the job. Lucky I have quite a few so I grabbed what I had from the list and got mixing.

It's works really well - the pesky flies are avoiding the kids and I and I've even sprayed the dogs bedding in the hopes to deter flea (if not she'll  smell good).

Shoo Fly Repellent

300ml Spray Bottle (I got mine from
75ml Witch Hazel
75ml Vodka
150 Cooled Boiled Water
Lavender, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Tea Tree, Citronella, Cypress Essential Oils

Put witch hazel, vodka and water into spray bottle.  Add 5 drops of each oil.  Shake well and spray on skin, clothes etc.  Shake well before each use.

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