Monday, May 12, 2014

25 Posts in 30 Days

My husband asked me last night if I'm ready to watch the next season of Game of Thrones.  "But I haven't even finished the first book - It will spoil it for me" I say.  This is what I've been saying for nearly 2 years, I started reading the first of the 7 books that we own when I was pregnant with number 2, I'm only a quarter of the way through.

I was reminded that if there are things like reading books, sewing and painting that I want to do, I have to make time for them.  Reading has not been high on the list of things that I use my precious "Mumma Time" for though.  For now that time is spent writing my blog.  It may not reach a global audience and get thousands of hits, but that's not why I write.  I write because I enjoy it.  I'm a creative soul and since pastels, needles and paints don't mix with toddlers I am quite happy to write as they play or sleep, sometimes for only 5 minutes at a time (some posts take nearly a week to write).  But it is time I savour and enjoy.

Today I had a thought of challenging myself to a blog entry a day - but to be realistic I think I'll aim for 25 posts over the coming month, if I do 30, that's great.   This means instead of plonking down in front of the telly when the kids are in bed and the house is in order, I will spend more of my evenings doing something constructive and creative.  And hopefully by the end of the month I will be in the habit of not 'switching off' once the clock hits 7:30pm.

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